Thursday, May 12, 2022

Lullabye- Colours Colors Symbols Allegory Vexology Maps Internantional Meanings - Smithsonian - Lullabyes from Around the world

Nonna- Bubbe- Ti Ti - Grandma - Grandparents are Special - Super Simple - (5:00-10:00) Lullabyes of the World ABCDE Childrens - H- Hungary - F- N 0 - Z Nature Love and Appreciation English Simple Super - Hungary Alphabets Hungarian Lullabyes- Album - List Skip to main content Folklife Logo MUSIC OF, BY, AND FOR THE PEOPLEFOLKLIFEFOLKWAYSFESTIVAL SIGN IN Folkways LogoEXPLORELEARNJOINSHOP BROWSE BY Genre Geography Artist Label SHOP Lullabies of the World Various Artists Lullabies of the World"This collection has been created in the atmosphere of family life, with all the warmth and affection for the little ones before entering their lives. How much security a mother can give her child with some minutes of holding it fast in her arms, once a day, creating this very intimate union, one with the other! How sweet to remember these hours of childhood and home, of loving parents, of no sorrows..." Lilian Mendelssohn "Esta colección ha sido creada en la atmósfera de la vida familiar, con toda la calidez y el afecto debidos a los chiquillos antes de entrar en sus vidas. ¡Cuánta seguridad puede dar una madre a su hijo al tenerlo en sus brazos solo unos minutos, una vez al día, creando esa dulce e íntima unión entre los dos! Cómo es de bello recordar aquellas horas de la niñez en el hogar, de los padres amorosos, de tranquilidad..." Lilian Mendelssohn Track Listing Audio Player 101 Mexico: Duermete mi niño / Mejico-Azteca / Tata Niñito / Duerme niño lindo (medley) n/a 3:24 Audio Player 102 United States: Good night sleep tight n/a 2:49 Audio Player 103 Canada: Mon petit n/a 1:08 Audio Player 104 Brasil: Ruxiñol n/a 1:32 Audio Player 105 Argentina: Arroro mi niño / Durmite Changito (medley) n/a 2:14 Audio Player 106 El Salvador: Dormite niñito n/a 1:29 Audio Player 107 Honduras: Señora Sant' Anna n/a 1:37 Audio Player 108 Colombia: Duerme niño pequeñito n/a 0:40 Audio Player 201 Guatemala: A La Rorro Nene / Xayib Nabal a C'Anjel (medley) n/a 1:48 Audio Player 202 Venezuela: Palomita Blanca / Duermete Niño Chiquito (medley) n/a 1:32 Audio Player 203 Puerto Rico: A dormir / Duerme negrito n/a 2:25 Audio Player 204 Haiti: Fait dodo / Fait dodo, cola mon petit frere (medley) n/a 4:02 Audio Player 205 Cuba: Dormi, dormi n/a 1:32 Audio Player 206 French Guiana: 17th Century Lullaby n/a 1:19 Audio Player 207 Spain: A La Nana Mi Rey / Eya - Eya - Eya (medley) n/a 2:26 Audio Player 208 Holland: Als Jude Kindren Slape Jahn / En over de Weide dor blonk de zon (medley) n/a 3:05 Audio Player 209 Germany: Die Bluemelein sie schlafen / Ober de stelen straten / Schlaf in suesser Ruh (medley) n/a 4:56 Audio Player 210 Belgium: Dodo l'enfant dors / Dodo deyne Mieken (medley) n/a 3:02 Audio Player 301 France: Fait dodo n/a 1:15 Audio Player 302 Sweden: Vyssa lulla litet barn n/a 0:36 Audio Player 303 Norway: Sulla lulla n/a 0:37 Audio Player 304 Czechoslovakia: Tece var n/a 0:58 Audio Player 305 Poland: Uszny, uszny n/a 1:07 Audio Player 306 Luthania: Mociute mano n/a 0:36 Audio Player 307 Estonia: Tula, tula n/a 1:08 Audio Player 308 Latvia: Aija anzit aija n/a 0:46 Audio Player 309 Yiddish: Ach neshome main / Mach tzu die eigelach / Yankele (medley) n/a 7:23 Audio Player 310 Hungary: Ay, pavo, ay / Oluya baba / Eszteba eszte (medley) n/a 2:30 Audio Player 311 Italy: Fi la nana, e mi bel fiol n/a 0:46 Audio Player 401 Israel: Shir erez / Leyla (medley) n/a 4:36 Audio Player 402 South Africa: Landiti, danditi n/a 1:53 Audio Player 403 Sudan: Alundé dodo basé / Loje kiki dai / Dibiti ovajiran / Dodo pisé titi (medley) n/a 5:03 Audio Player 404 Nigeria: Yup ña ño udü n/a 1:57 Audio Player 405 Japan: Two songs n/a 3:23 Audio Player 406 Greece: Kimísu yé mu n/a 1:13 Audio Player 407 Indonesia: Hay ti moñ anacosa / O anané kéké (medley) n/a 3:04 BUY CUSTOM CD $21.98 DOWNLOAD $19.98 Album Info CATALOG NUMBER(S) FW04511, FE 4511 YEAR(S) RELEASED 1963 LABEL/COLLECTION Folkways Records GENRE(S) Children's; World COUNTRY(S) Argentina; Belgium; Brazil; Canada; Colombia; Cuba; Czech Republic; El Salvador; Estonia; France; French Guiana; Germany; Greece; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Hungary; Indonesia; Israel; Italy; Japan; Latvia; Lithuania; Mexico; Netherlands; Nigeria; Norway; Poland; Puerto Rico; South Africa; Spain; Sudan; Sweden; United States; Venezuela LANGUAGE(S) Afrikaans; Dutch; English; Estonian; French; German; Greek (ελληνικά, ellēniká); Haitian French Creole; Indonesian; Italian; Japanese (日本語); Lithuanian; Polish; Portuguese (Português); Spanish; Swedish; Yiddish (ייִדיש) Man's Early Musical Instruments Man's Early Musical Instruments Various Artists Voices of the Sky Voices of the Sky Various Artists The Demonstration Collection of E.M. von Hornbostel and the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv The Demonstration Collection of E.M. von Hornbostel and the Berlin Various Artists The World's Vocal Arts The World's Vocal Arts Various Artists